Driver Education
Risk-free training solutions
Combining MOTUM’s patented hardware technologies and the virtual environment of MOTUM World, can provide affordable risk-free training solutions for driver education.
Safe & repeatable
Tailored driver training solutions to suit any application can be provided in either a turnkey, fully immersive system of hardware with a fully integrated virtual environment, or a simple desktop or procedural trainer utilising the MOTUM World digital environment.
MOTUM World is a synthetic training environment representing Australian landscapes and roads with AI vehicles, traffic signals and pedestrians. It provides a tailored background to present driving conditions and scenarios that are safe and repeatable.
MOTUM World comprises multiple streams from pre-Learner, L to P, vulnerable road users and aged drivers, where end users can incorporate tailored simulation into their training programs and so enhancing the driver education, irrespective of hardware.
Simulation-trained drivers have better skills and understanding around risk identification and perception in everyday driving scenarios as well as how to manage or prevent situations of elevated risk. Further benefits include reduced costs, faster training, and objective analysis.
Features & capabilities
MOTUM World’s current features include:
- Real time data analytics & reporting
- Real time pop-up warnings for infringements and risks
- Post-event results, analysis/storage
- Proximity detection to cars, objects, and crashes
- Monitoring of driver behaviour: speed, braking distance, obeying road rules etc.
- Varying AI traffic levels & behaviours
- Pop-up instructions: turn, slow down, brake,
MOTUM World has extensive assets and capabilities, including:
- Road types: CBD, urban, freeway, rural and remote roads including unsealed.
Weather conditions and time of day: hot, cold, dry, wet, snow, fog, day, night, dawn, and dusk. - Vehicle types: passenger cars, SUVs, light commercial, heavy vehicles, emergency services.
- Scenarios; Pre Learner, L-P, refresher training, elderly drivers, vulnerable drivers, emergency response, heavy vehicle etc.
- Advanced telemetry and data logging that interacts with the AI traffic modelled.
- Importantly, safety focused scenarios such as:
- The experience and dangers of risky road use
- Exposure to and training for vulnerable road users
- Experience in correct lane selection
- Visual representation of safe braking distance
- Spatial awareness – eye tracking
- Risk identification and hazard mitigation.